Informatics Institute faculty member Abdulkerim Çapar coauthored paper titled 'Combined segmentation and classification-based approach to automated analysis of biomedical signals obtained from calcium imaging' has been published in 'Plos one' on 6th February 2023. 


Automated screening systems in conjunction with machine learning-based methods are becoming an essential part of the healthcare systems for assisting in disease diagnosis. Moreover, manually annotating data and hand-crafting features for training purposes are impractical and time-consuming. We propose a segmentation and classification-based approach for assembling an automated screening system for the analysis of calcium imaging. The method was developed and verified using the effects of disease IgGs (from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis patients) on calcium (Ca2+) homeostasis. From 33 imaging videos we analyzed, 21 belonged to the disease and 12 to the control experimental groups. The method consists of three main steps: projection, segmentation, and classification. The entire Ca2+ time-lapse image recordings (videos) were projected into a single image using different projection methods. Segmentation was performed by using a multi-level thresholding (MLT) step and the Regions of Interest (ROIs) that encompassed cell somas were detected. A mean value of the pixels within these boundaries was collected at each time point to obtain the Ca2+ traces (time-series). Finally, a new matrix called feature image was generated from those traces and used for assessing the classification accuracy of various classifiers (control vs. disease). The mean value of the segmentation F-score for all the data was above 0.80 throughout the tested threshold levels for all projection methods, namely maximum intensity, standard deviation, and standard deviation with linear scaling projection. Although the classification accuracy reached up to 90.14%, interestingly, we observed that achieving better scores in segmentation results did not necessarily correspond to an increase in classification performance. Our method takes the advantage of the multi-level thresholding and of a classification procedure based on the feature images, thus it does not have to rely on hand-crafted training parameters of each event. It thus provides a semi-autonomous tool for assessing segmentation parameters which allows for the best classification accuracy.

İTÜ Informatics Institute


ITU Informatics Institute provides graduate-level education and research in applied informatics, computer sciences, computational science and engineering, communication systems under the following programs.

Faculty members and students conduct research supported by national and international organızatıons in the fields of electromagnetic fields, communication systems/regulations, computational materials design, computational chemistry/biology, cryptography, signal/data processing/visualization, big data management, climate and ocean sciences, 

  • List of Most Influential Scientists; Associate Professor. B. Uğur Töreyin (article by Dr. John PA Ioannidis, K. W. Boyack and J. Baas published in the journal PLOS Biology)
  • Beltus Nkwawir Wiysobunri, the best project award in the Science category, in the 2020 International Students Project Competition
  • Argenit company, of which Dr. Abdulkerim Çapar is among the founding partners, received the "National-International Supports" First Prize of ITU ARI Teknokent.
  • TÜBİTAK 2242 University Students Project Competition in Priority Areas: Istanbul region first place - Ahmet Burak Özyurt
  • Best Presentation Award at ICAT'18 Conference: Sena Efsun Cebeci, 2018
  • Tubitak Incentive Award; 2016 Assoc. Prof. Adem Tekin
  • “Technical Paper” and “Willis H. Carrier” Award by the American Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning Association; 2016 Assist. Prof. Dr. H. Salih Erden
  • Science Heroes Association Young Scientist of the Year Award; 2016 Assoc. B. Uğur Töreyin Best Poster Award at PRACEdays 2016 conference; Samet Demir
  • ITU Most Successful Thesis Award; 2016 Hatice Gokcan

There is also a High Performance Computing Laboratory established with the support of the State Planning Organization within the Institute.