1-The student submits 1 copy of the thesis to the department.
2-A jury declaration mail is sent to the student with a jury thesis submission form.
3-The PhD Thesis are opened to access for investigation for 2 weeks.
4-The student distributes the thesis in a week, and delivers the thesis distribution form
(signed by the jury members) to the institute.
5-An e-mail is sent to the student indicating the defense exam.
6-The student takes the PhD Thesis Defense Examination.
7-The successful student begins with the graduation procedure.
If the the student is found to be successful with revision, 6 month-time is given to make the revision. The student delivers the thesis in this 6 month-period and restarts to the
procedure from the 1st step.
If the student is found to be unsuccessful, the supervisor is changed and the student restarts from the thesis proposal stage.